Bad Warrior Preservation Project (an IHHA initiative)
IHHA Facebook Group:
Curly Stockhorse Preservation Group:
IHHA Logo: International Heritage Horse Association, preservation stud books for rare breeds and bloodlines

International Heritage Horse Association

This association was formed to increase public awareness and to lend support & networking between owners and breeders of rare equine breeds and/ or rare bloodlines within breeds in an effort to preserve dwindling populations. This need has been becoming steadily more apparent over time among some rare curly horses, which are in danger of extinction through indiscriminate blending of their divergent bloodlines and types. Along with the preservation of endangered bloodlines goes the fundamental awareness and identification of divergent conformation types, and the education that leads to preservation breeding decisions that will impact the future. The horses that qualify for IHHA stud books include:


Curly Stockhorses (KRT25)
which include:

Mato Akicita (Bear Warrior)
“SanSan”/ Berndt horses (extinct)

Warrior King
Bad Warrior horses (very rare)
which include the following lines:

Required for Bad Warrior preservation stud book:

  • high-as-possible % Berndt ("SanSan") bloodline (extinct)

Desirable~select from horse populations with same type,
history & heritage:

  • old type (versatile, rugged) foundation ranch horses
    • foundation Quarter Horse lines
      (including but not limited to these old bloodlines:
      Hard Twist, Chuckaway Reed, Hancock, Peter McCue
      Otoe, Driftwood, Blackburn, Two Eyed Jack,, Skipper W)
  • old versatile foundation Paint Horse lines
  • old foundation Appaloosa or Colorado Ranger bloodlines
  • WYO Checkerboard wild curly mustangs
  • foundation fullblood Nokota horses (of old Berndt type)

Desirable~select conformation types that meet
following specifications:

  • intelligent, good work ethic, calm, thoughtful temperament
  • long hip, long underline, well balanced
  • adequate muscling, good bone & foot
  • well laid back shoulder slope with long free movement
  • athletic, catty, fast, powerful, endurance, smooth riding


White Mountain HMA strawberry roan curly mustangs
WYO Checkerboard wild curly mustangs (White Mountain HMA) very rare

WYO Checkerboard wild curly mustangs (Salt Wells Creek HMA)
WYO Checkerboard wild curly mustang stallion (Salt Wells Creek HMA) very rare

Requirements for Bad Warrior stud book (continued)...

(select away from & reduce % of these bloodlines):

  • Damele bloodline
  • Owyhee / Great Basin wild curly mustangs


  • non-KRT25 curly horses
  • non-stockhorse types or breeds
  • stockhorses that are modern & exaggerated in type or function
  • horses that lack long hips, adequate muscling, bone, foot, balance,
    type or proper temperament.


Other IHHA Stud Books may form for:

Thunders Jewel, Fredell & Berndt
Fredell curly stockhorse bloodline which traced to
Oklahoma Star P6 & Peter McCue 77937
probably no Fredell curly horses left anymore that are "pure"

Cypress Patsy
Cypress curly stock horses which traced to
Nicker Too AQHA-210397, Biscuits Buck* AQHA-174501,
Bruce's Bid 17 AQHA-800341 and TB Violets Mauna JC-8896)
probably none left anymore that are "pure"


Classic Stockhorses (KRT25)
which may include:

Damele bloodline

Great Basin wild curly mustangs
(80% curly mustangs are in Nevada HMAs)

Canadian bloodlines


Yellow Hornet

Aishihik | Curloosas (KRT25)
foundation Colorado Ranger LP x curly horses
other LP x curly cross “Curloosas”
Named “Aishihik” to honor the original curly horses from Aishihik Lake, Yukon, Canada
that went extinct in the early 1900s; we will never know what curl mutation they had.


Curly Colonial Spanish horse

Curly Sulphur Mustangs | Colonial Spanish Horses (UNKNOWN gene)
a unique curl mutation is found in the wild Sulphur mustang herd
from the Sulphur Springs Herd Management Area (HMA)
stretches along the Utah-Nevada border

There has been a Colonial Spanish horse exhibiting a curly gene as well.
Neither of these have either the KRT25 nor the SP6 curl mutation.
There are only a few of these; they are at high risk.


Mitch & Cook Curly horse

Cook Curly bloodline (UNKNOWN curl mutation)
There are only a few of these; they are at high risk.


International Curly Stud Book may include:

curly Zabaikalskaya:
(dominant Zabaikalskaya Cossack curlies in Russia)


curly Lokai
(dominant curly Lokai in Tajikistan)


curly Mongolian horse
(dominant curly ponies in Mongolia)


curly Criollo
(dominant curly Criollo horses in Patagonia, Argentina)

If you would like additional information:

  • Curly Stockhorse Preservation Project for endangered bloodlines

  • Curly Spanish horse bloodlines in America:
    DH Cardenas <> California
    Andrea Mulnix <> Montana

    Unravelling the Rich History of the Sulphur Mustangs May 25, 2023, Dr Mitch Wilkinson

  • Patagonian curly Criollo horses (Argentina)
    Mitch Wilkinson <>

  • Zabaikalskaya; Russian Cossak curly horses
    Mitch <>
  • Mongolian curly ponies (extinct? - contact: Mitch)

  • Curly Lokaiskaya (Lokai) horse, Tajikistan (still in existence?)
  • Johannesburg South African curly horses (extinct?)

International Heritage Horse Association (IHHA) was formed to identify & promote rare breeds and bloodlines of horses, and to help educate breeders about how to breed for preservation of rare breeds and endangered bloodlines. Although we register horses by request, our main goal is record-keeping, a database and promoting preservation services. We have no desire to re-invent the wheel or compete where not needed; we only provide registration services for those that ask, who don't register with either ABC or ICHO, who have a breed of heritage horse that does not already have a registry, or who have horses that need registration that are not accepted by other registries. IHHA registrar services are stud book affiliates of the parent registry company, Homestead Cattle Association.

IHHA registration certificate

IHHA maintains separate stud books for any small population, breed and/ or division within any breed that needs pedigrees recorded and registration papers issued. IHHA issues internationally valid registration certificates with globally recognized livestock breed codes, and each animal ID unique breed and bloodline composition researched, documented and labeled. For horses not already registered, IHHA registration papers help facilitate preservation efforts with frozen genetics collection, shows, transport or sales over international borders. IHHA stud books are maintained on a safe secure platform, built by a leader in the industry; and will provide a database of all breeds, (like and but with additional free public and member services and more reliable) that will be well-maintained, accessible to the public, and safely, permanently preserved for posterity.

IHHA looks forward to possible unification with ABCR and ICHO if they will come together and combine to better serve the membership and to more accurately identify, support and represent endangered divergent curly types, bloodlines and breeds in the future.

What to Know About Registries; (distinctions between their primary and secondary purposes)


Warrior Tornado

Joshua Felicia on Warrior Tornado
heeling, left: Joshua Felicia, Wyola Montana; heading, right: Matt Davis on Deeter
2018 Wrangler National Team Roping Finals Champions
"Nado" is a rare Bad Warrior bloodline gelding.
Nado and Joshua won a pickup truck!


Wicasa Matho Paha

Wicasa Matho Paha
Susanne Andrea Meyer, Germany, owner
Celina Brehm, photographer


Bucking V Outfit LLC
est. March 1998 ~ a division of the
International Heritage Horse Association
owned & maintained by Bucking V Outfit, LLC.

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last updated April 2024
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No HCA Herd Books or IHHA Stud Books or Preservation Projects
are affiliated with Dennis Russell or Hiedi Robinson or any of their enterprises.